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Brilliant analisys about How and Why? We are in the age of Nonsense...

I read The Empty Era by Gilles Lipovetsky a lot of years ago when I was an student in the art school, a book about the absurd and the complex of the contemporary culture and how the society Is turn into a nonsense era…

After that very painful but very true lecture I see with my own eyes how that book was almost like an apocalyptic book of prophecies, being myself a witness of the fall of centuries of cultural progress, the evolution till the climax of arts and music and the most important the total collapse of our society as a sense of community, a sense of generation (in my case the generation X) into a millions of individuals that are different all from each others and literally how starting the Empty Age as the book spoiling to all of us…

As a person who grow in the old school way, raised by the idea of learning, study an developing by practicing every day your skills to master whatever your dreams were (in my case became a professional in the music and audio world), as you can guess I was very mad, sad frustrating and disappointed about how in the last 3 decades with the democratization and the popularity of the culture and in the other hand the business converting all the values that i was raised on, in a nonsense product…

I mean I was aware that art and music was always a cultural product, like hamburgers or diet food, but was a terrible experience is to be witness of how all that amazing artist, painters , photographers and musicians, like Eddie Van Halen, Freddy Mercury or even artist from previous generations than mine like Mile Davis, Chet Baker or The Beatles was replace by all this orde of “New Artist” that instead in my opinion being artist were more certain kind of products ready to consume or bad consequences of the collapse of our society social class system and economy like the trap music creators.

But more than our personal opinions and per-judges or not, and believe me I´m an electronic music producer, but also I play and grow listening rock, pop and many different music genres, so I still like it genres like urban music, latin urban or just pop music ( I´m a guy that embrace a lot of different music genres, my problem is not with the music itself, I like trap beats, I like reggaeton beats, hip hop beats etc, my really problem is about the violent lyrics of most of them and the apology to crime and violence some of the artist do and sorry but i never being agree with that) but more that just to say this music is garbage or not I think is important to thinking about how we ended like this in the music industry? and in the culture in general as a society? How and why nowadays we are in this nonsense age where nothing is important but at the same time everything is important…. This video is a brilliant simply and brief reflection about it and i think the author nailed in the way to explain the all process in a very short video…

If you speak only English you can activate the subtitles on the video to understand It..

I hope you like it and find it interesting…