Solar Vox Studio

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#CreateWithGenelec Let´s try the new SAM Genelec speakers

This last week of October 2022, here in Solar Vox Studio in London UK we have had the amazing experience participating in a campaign made by GENELEC. The campain happens in the USA, Nordic Countries and The UK and its called Create With GENELEC. We have had the pleasure and the fortune to try the 8330A SAM speakers in RAW finish and post our final thoughts in the social networks about this Finnish audio company and we think was a perfect article to add in our studio blog.

In Solar Vox Studio we are GENELEC fans for two reasons: the impressive sound quality of their products, and also because my family is a mixture of Finnish people (my son and wife are Finns and the idea of our company started between Finland and Los Angeles California) so Finland also is home to us.

I got my first pair of GENELEC speakers in the year 2006, but I knew about the company long time before that, all the way from the end of the 90´s. The first time I heard the impressive sound quality of these speakers I just fell in love with the company and that classic GENELEC sound was stuck in my mind forever. Now in 2022, we had the privilege to hear the newest generation of GENELEC speakers, in specific the 8330A SAM. I have to say that I was just impressed because it was like hear the sound of the older 8020A, but bigger, fatter, clearer and way more honest and precise, like the classic GENELEC sound on steroids!

Also I have to say that the SAM calibration system and the GLM4 the application that control the speakers and make the calibrations (created and designed also by the company) was very easy to set up, easy to use and very intuitive to learn. The calibration, very similar to the calibration that other companies like soundID offers, really bring the speakers to another level, one step beyond.

The RAW finish of the speakers was a real eye catcher for me, I think it is my favorite finish by far, but the most impressive was the engineering work the people of GENELEC put in this new series of speakers, adding to the product a very high level of quality and unbelievable features like the possibility to storage the calibration profile generate by the SAM system straight into the speakers, the total recall and control of the speakers via GLM4 System Software (the same application used to make the calibration of the speakers) and the possibility to control until 80 speakers simultaneously via GLM4 was just mind blowing work in terms of engineering.

We will release soon a more in depth review in our YouTube Channel about the 8330A, so stay connected If you want to know a little bit more about these fantastic speakers.

In Solar Vox Studio, we were very happy to participate in the campaign and was also very pleasant to have a piece of Finland in our studio and bring us also great memories about home.

Thanks a lot to our local audio dealer here in the UK, KMR Audio, to facilitate and make possible to have this fantastic speakers in our studio and thanks a lot Genelec for make us part of this fantastic experience.